VAMPS and BIG V were class!
buddies bar was awesome, the cheeky andreas was a great laugh and his lovely sister lisa was a superb and gorgeous hostess. lisa if u read this then get in touch at as ive got some pictures for you.
take care, damian.
buddies was always 1st call in kos. is andreas still the owner and does he still have the toon top with 69 she likes it on the back in the bar.great place great guy and great beer
Hey was just wondering if anyone has got Chris's number or anyway to get intouch with him? he worked in buddies at the end of July i think he was there for about 2-3 weeks then had to go home! if ne1 nos how to get intouch with him could u please PM me BTW dont worrie im not some wierdo he does no me we robbed a door together, well i robed it he just told us how
hay every1 had a wicked time bk next year to work.
jay n leon missin you loads xxx
wiv al r love da brighton girls
Me and my husband were the bar's first customers when it opened - ooh 18 years ago? Back in those days it was called Cafe Mere. We've been just about every year, sometimes twice a year, since then, just to squeeze free drinks out of Andreas, the skinflint
BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! its mark here who worked at Buddies this summer. Shout out to smithers!!!! baywatch was quality!!!! i'll be savin ur life plenty more times when i go back to work next yr. Would love 2 work there again, its a top bar. everyone next yr get urself into Buddies Bar. Hi to romie, laura, anna, stu, jodie, barman mark and andreas. Lets have it large in 2006!!!!!
hey everyone who worked at buddies its chris of chris and stu how are all of you? is any one still out there?i must say i loved working at buddies and when i go back next year i would love to work there again just had such a good laugh all the time and i whould love to do baywatch again with mark that was so funny well i thought it was.cant wait to see you all again i wish i never left there.well hope to here from some of you soon if not see you all next year o and stu says hi.
hi everyone whos visited this bar cos its the best! ive bin 4 the last 5 years n andreas is the best bar owner ever, he,s so wild i just want to go back time after time,im not going back till 2007 4 my 40th b day but i can wait cos can u imagine it will be mega my b day party down to andreas hope we ave wild time n he makes it a week to remember he usually does , n u no wot they say bout older women they gagging dnt tell my husband ha ha see u all then av fun till we get there love you andreas ring you soon love elaine xxxx
Called into Buddies every night during my three week stay Andreas, Romie, Laura and Jodie I'm missing you already but I will be back to see you next year - Romie I will be in touch soon
Just got back from only 7 days in kardamena wish we had longer there coz we only found buddies like 2 days b4 we came home n met a few interestin people hahaha football fans bring it on the sex on the beach cocktails were lush and little britain kept us entertained through the day then the P.R's were a good laugh on a night :D
whos ur daddy!!! top banana!!! u cockney b*****d!!! lol
Hi everyone...
Its Angelique and Athena... We're back in Australia, wishing we were still there with you guys . Thank you for making our stay in Kardamena unforgettable. To my cousin, Andreas, you're the best; love you and miss you heaps
!!!! Christos, hope you're well, miss you heaps
!!! Guys, girls, keep doing a great job for "Buddies Bar" and can't wait to see you all next year.
Love you lots and miss you heaps
Angelique and Athena
hello there!! were back in england unfortunately! buddies was well gud,the staff was very friendly! hey romie!! hope u remember the two rachels??!!!lol . Mark/edie give me a txt sumtime!!
whats happening my biatchs "laura, jodi, remee" hope your looking after my boys lil stu n smithers, we all miss ya loads wishing we was giving it some out there but i'm afraid thats not the case, anyways look after my boys otherwise if a few of us can get bak out there in september ur a**es our ours haha.
Went out to Kardamena with my girlfriend Lucy 07/07 and spent 2 of our nights in Buddies bar! Both nights were top with loads to drink and plenty of fun so much so that Lucy ended up PRin and me giving free shots out ( as Romie was too leathered to do her job! ha ha!) Cheers to Andreas for the free drinks and the use of his big screen to watch the boxing late on! Top bloke!
Jonny if u remember me email me keep in touch.
I only went to this bar, because my friend knew the barman, i had a great time and it was certainly a memorably night. Kos was great anfd being home is definatly not the same!!!!
the owner was a w**ker and a p***k but all the pr's and bar staff were cool
` hi to anyone going or been to buddies bar me and my daughter corie went in may and got watson his job in buddies bar hope hes still there and just as wild as when we first met him on the plane,anyone going soon say hi to him and crazy andreas, hope to see them soon missin them loads luv elaine and corie x
Just got back from Kardamena where once accosted by the nutter from Blackburn, Me and my mate Phil proceeded to sit in there most nights and get totally monkied with the top staff, and rather daft cocktail called "Liquid Cocaine" that I was forced to drink by the lovely Laura!!! HAHAHA You know its true!
Was ok in there to top our night was singing "marching on together" to our rival fans but a top night was with a pissed up liverpool fan signing 5 german bombers at the top of our voice in the door way for everyone to see hahahahaha
one suggestion tho TAKE THAT SCUM MAN U TOP AWAY FROM THE LEEDS SHIRT THATS ABOVE THE BARso, so, so gutted to be back in old blightly it's untrue. kardamena had such a mint atmosphere with buddies being one of the very best. for sheer laughs, top music, plentiful ale n dirty looking lasses it'll always be thrived upon by our lot. romie, laura, watson, chaz, jodie, jimmy, mark and of course the legendary andreas, you helped make our hols. i've never felt so good being called a fat, ugly, tight b*****d . keep on thrivin.