just got back from lads group holiday for a week 11 of us celebrating end of a-levels and we went here couple of nights was a well good place. Staff were really nice and as one of my mates was Irish he got us free drinks so love it!!
Just want 2 say that Kos to me would have been nothin had we not found Shenannigans!We were a group of 11 lookin 4 sum crazy nites out and every single one of them revolved around this place! Stanley & Rodney 2 of the most friendliest people I have ever met made the nights even more enjoyable esp the Kareokee! Ne 1 who plans 2 go 2 Kos please make this one of ur bar stops its the best & most kickin bar in Kos none of the others compared 2 it!
Hi we took a holiday to Kos in june 04, We spent allot of time in shenannigans due to the music.. it was brill... although i have forgotten the names of the 2 jordy chaps they were known as the misfits. Does anybody know where they are currently playing? are they still in Kos? where did they go. Cheers karen
We had a fab time! this was our first hoilday on are own without the parents (AUGUST 05) and we loved Shenannigans. weve got some good memories in there! we played plenty of their games and enjoyed the kareoke! what a laugh that was with our first choice reps!
and the BBQs were good 2. definately try it! everyone is really friendly especially the funny comedian guy. he was a laugh!and also try the fish bowls full of sex on the beach!(cocktail!)
lol their great! just go easy lol! we recommend going! hope fully we will go back! oh and its suitable for all the family. xxx
is there any karaoke at all...
remember the first choice party nites?well its joe the rep and just want to say hi to all the staff.this place is the dogs b.....s.had many a good nite here.wont say to much tho ha ha
Just spent my 3rd season in kos town and shenannigans is the place to be.friendly hardworking staff-lil nikita,kev,trav,gav and rodders(did you get a tan or in the end or just the white handprints on your back haha) see you in summer 2005 xtrasie- mytravel
Seriously this is supposed to be a forum where people come to comment on their favourite bars in Kos not a slagging match. You knackers need to grow up and get a life
Woteva! i dont sleep around.
ye woteva m8. n u thnik all thems ya m8s but they wer slagin u off aswel so woteva. u call sleepin round n doin f**k all else a life then woteva.
well u ad a funny way of showin i woz supposidly ur m8! i'v got loadsa m8s @ ome n i dnt need 2 get a life coz i got a fab one already!!!!!!!
went 2 kos in august n thought it woz gonna b borin but then i found shenannigans! every1 woz fab n made my hol the best eva spesially emma the lil darlin who worked there n looked afta me wen me mates f**ked off n left me! all the irish lads were to spesially philly, kiaron n the lads cheerz 4 lookin afta me, rodney who worked behind the bar woz ace. luv ya all, miss ya loads. c ya at the reunnion!!!! xx
we went away 2 kos in august n thought it would be s**t, however on our 2nd nite we met sum lufly lasses from norwich (sam works ther now) n they tuk us to shenannigans wer we ada wiked time. kev d ikel sweety playd sum top music for us to bop away to n just ad lodsa fun. roders behind d bars a lil darlin if u c im tel im i say hi. n if u got 2 meet eamon that was stayn in d hotel d last week of aug, ur priveligd if not then tough s**t but tak it from me e was a top guy, miss u eam.
hey nikita here, the little irish waitress........... shenannigans is and always will be the best. mike and all the crew gave me the best summer ever. stanley me aul pal we sang great together!!! i miss everyone so much and cant wait to see everyone at the reunion!!!!!!!!!!! go on shenannigans xx
Visit there sister pub called the Down Under bar as well for late night Karaoke
from Justin Hawkings and Martin (you know who we are)
Well in answer to the last comment i was ther too and whether u like to
believe it or not, yes TRAVIS did have relations of a sexual nature with Mr
Shorty himself. My heart goes out to that poor girl who had to put up with the 2
love birds !!!!!!!!!!!! How do u like those apples Travis?
in relation to the last comment.. as you said you were not there so you obviously don't know what you are talking about. i was there and you are talking rubbish so get a life!! you should probably have a holiday next year cos you have far too much time for thinking and writing stupid mails......
hey everybody - never actually been to shenanigans, but a very gud friend of mine had this to impart; apparently some guy called travis is a man-stealing ho, yes i said manstealing, and is completely shameless about it. oh shameless enough to do it, and not give a s**te, but not shameless enough to tell you all. now i dunno who travis is, or if the fact that he's a wooly woofter is obvious or not, but the f**king cheek of him to ruin her holiday by s**ggin her ex-bf while they were staying in the same f**king apartment... is well... just a little cheeky. doncha think? p.s karaoke boy, if you read this, she doesn't kno i said it. u little s**te. and you're short!!!!!!!!!!!!! p.p.s..s... to reiterate, my earlier sentiments: travis the ozzie porcupine had relations with her ex-bf which were quote "really amazing" unquote. nice.....
Can anyone give me an e-mail address or contact number for Nakita (Lounge Staff) its important i speak to her soon! Thanks!!! Nakita if you read this give us ring and I'll explain all ;-)
Eric 00353-87-1361021 (eric@odsteels.com)
shenannigans was excellent
Hi Everyone
Just a quick message to say that we are thinking about you and would like to say congradulations to Greece for getting into the finals of the European Cup.
I am sure the partying is really great at the moment.
A special message for Nicos in the Boomerang Restraunt, only Bristol Rovers will beat Greece.
Hi to Mike, the Bar Staff and Kev from the Misfits.
Lots of Love
Robbie & Aoibhin Kenny
PS Best of luck on Sunday
Hello, i am looking for my friend Trasie Pearson that was supposed to arrive on Kos first week of May and work in Shenannigans. Please, could you let her know i am waiting for her email or call?
00421 907 070 434
Thank you very much for help...
hey all,shennanigans is the best irish bar on the island. take it from me i went for a week and ended up staying 6 months! u just gotta do it. c ye all this summer!!!!!
I would like 2 know the e mail address of shenanigans. i would like to work there this summer. or an e mail of any pub that is looking for staff for the summer. Can ne1 help me??
Too bloody right Gem!!! Shennanigans is the best of the best and the only way to prove me wrong on that is to go there... The only requirement to get a job there is insanity... Miss u all!! Will never forget Kos 2003.......
class bar, lovely food lovely staff excellent! where we spent practically every nite other than Jacksons! Goin to Kos in June can't wait!!!
couldnt let jacksons have a big massive page and not say anything about s**gnannigans. we all know we were the best!! damn fine bar staff too. ( haha )
Shenannigans, Navarinou Street, Kos Town, Greece. 85300.
The telephone number is:- 0030 22420 26612
Shenannigans can be found the other side of THE BOOMERANG RESTAURANT and is an Irish bar with Karioki on some evenings. They make exciting cocktails.
Shenannigans, Navarinou Street, Kos Town, Greece. 85300.
The telephone number is:- 0030 22420 26612
Shenannigans can be found the other side of THE BOOMERANG RESTAURANT and is an Irish bar with Karioki on some evenings. They make exciting cocktails