Hey Erica,
hi to all the girls that enjoyed their time in charisma with my boyfriend... thats elis by the way!!! its nice to know you can trust someone who shouts his un dying love to me!! He called me every day without fail, text me everyday without fail. So just to warn all u girls out there STAY AWAY from elis he is useless and a cheat!!! thankyou for showing that to me!
sounds like someones a bit obsessed!!!
Think everyone loved elis lmao!
so feels like all the people in here do know elis, but wold someone help me please, i need to find him soon!
Just got bk from Kos and we loved charisma...i'll post some pics when i get them!
charisma is the best bar in kos. spent every night there with elis and emilio (the big brothers). emilio is a darling, he took us home a few nights after one drink too many . missing elis alot, he made my holiday lol spent some nights with him in his apartment
. felt safe there as elis and emilio really look out for you and they made my holiday. love elis to bits miss him so much xxxxx
Sorry Marika just realised I spelt your name wrong!!
Hey Fi, Hannah and Morrika, Just got back from Kos yesterday, strange to be back after 4 months. Hope you have a good time when you go back over hun, I know Ellis is dying to see you, believe me, he talks about you every night!! Hows your mam?? Cant wait to see you ladies at the reunion, you all comingto the Irish one as well? Its the 18th November in Dublin. Gime a shout if you wana come over.. miss you all,
Hey Marika!!! You are sooo lucky going back to Kos in 12 days. How long you going for? Our friend Carly is going back by herself on the 29th to stay with Panos for 2weeks, so keep your eyes open for her!!! Say Hi to all for us wont you??? Dont know where we're gonna end up working next year, I would love just not to work at all and have a 2month long holiday!!!
Say Hi to your mum for me - hope the fine art course is going well and wish her good luck!!!
Enjoy your time back with Elis and the gang and takecare of yourself!
hey marika sweety!! hope your ok....me and hannah are brill!! havin the time of our lifes bk home!! im goin zante this sunday the 15th!!! cant wait.......im happy for you and elis babe....really its so gud!! you deserve it!! we will arrange to meet up..u got our numbas rite?? we got ures!! im getting a honda civic when i get bk frm zante!! so i can drive to ures and see ya!! some bad news.....dont fink we are coming kos nxt yr
im going on a massive group holiday b4 we all go uni only im gonna stay out there (where eva we end up goin) and wrkin the season!!!! its gonna be amazing!! cnt wait! stay in touch babe and have safe journeys bk to kos....look afta ureself yea and giv our love to all who knos us miss ya tons xxx
mamma..these photos you put together of all stuff there are just great! when i saw them it all comes back..how i miss all the people working there! i'm gonna work there too next year so maybe we see eachother there! :) take care
Hey Marika & Mamma,
hiya marika and mum!! those pics are wicked!! luv em!! cant believe ur going back hun!! so happy 4u and elis..... u obviously made it a top holiday for sooo many people!!! mum, ur great and fink ur gorge!!
please can ya put sum more pics up of every1.....brings back many memories
Hiya Marika,
Claudio and the tall waiter (I'm sorry, but I wish I would know his name) were absolutly the best on Kos!!!
Hi Marika,
Hello Marika and Mum , we've all been really depressed since we got back but Louise and I are determined to get back out there for 2 months next summer already started with money making plans to make it happen!!! Say hi to Elis from us I bet he's missing you guys loads Thought I'd include a pic of him being his typical mad self hope you like it!! xx
Hi Katie, love that pic of Louise, Elis and Marika!
hi mum and marika!!!!!!
Had another amazing 2 weeks in Kos. We visited Charisma every night what a fab place. Hello to Marika and her mum. Marika's face in the photo with Louise and Elis always makes me smile. Hope you're not missing it too much and all is going ok now your back at home. Was lovely meeting you and hope to see you again next year
Hey Pete, CJ, Daniel and all the rest of the Charisma/Woodstock crowd. We finally got home yesterday after one hell of a summer! Loads of pics but still to sleepy to post any today. Already planning summer 2007 on Kos.
Thanks for the free drinks Akis!
just wanna say that we had a great time in Charisma! :) Dancing on the
bar was the best ;) kisses to Jerry and Alex's brother! :)
Does anybody has an email or sth of Jerry?=) :)
take care ya all
Slovenian grls
ohhh dear! been rumbled! only having abit of fun! was a personal joke we had goin on. the picture is actually of a friend at home. thought u would realise it was us which is why i was laughing so much on the fone dan! u wanted ur column and u got it!!! still mates?? grovel, grovel....
Oh Mr Charisma.
Hello miss Sweden, im the english boy at Charisma, wot photo did u see me in? did u have a nice holiday x
Can anyone pleeeease tell me if they knew the English boy that worked at Charisma. He has the blonde hair. I am from Sweden and see his picture in this site. I have not stopped thinking about him since i got home and wish that i spoke to him. Please tell me who you are through this site. I will be waiting.... SEXY!!!
Hello ladies from Dan , Nicky and Pete [CHARISMA PR STAFF] hope u had lovely holidays and times at Charisma ,the best bar on Kos island. Also to all that came to the woodstock beach shakedown ,lagboat affair! Hope to c all of u next year x remember 2 4 1 cocktails, 3 shots and u can take the pr boys home 4 3!
Baaaaaaaaabiiessssss, we love you Amilio and miss you. We had such good nights at Charisma with all you people such as- baaabies, pink pete, chavboy C.J and Elis oh dear sssssssssssexy Elis haha oh how we miss your dancing. The toilets in Charisma were not brilliant but the people made up for that. Go to Woodstock thru the day on Lambi beach where you can spend the day laughing with the night staff from charisma
see you next year
oh and dont go to the after party its not what they tell u haha
Charisma was excellent! Good room inside and outside was good also ... buy one get one free cocktails for only 6 euros and a free shot which was straight .. none of this watered down crap! We loved the PR's ... Efa was great and Toby was such a cutie :) .. a big thumbs up! Defanatly worth a visit!!
I haven't been inside actually, but I loved the Kamaki.. Toby, he is cute!! And I love the Cocktails they serve!
Hello! I just got back from KOS, had an awesome time, but had my phone stolen... has anyone heard of the club 'something VITA'. I'm trying to get hold of a barman called Christian because when I lost my phone I lost his number!!! Can anyone help...please, it would be much appreciated!
i love this place, i have been to kos two years running and some of the waiters have been there both years and they are wicked abd no how to have a laugh specially ''sexy b*****d''but they are all so friendly, good music and drinks especially the orgasm cocktail v strong. this place is a must visit every night.
Say hello to the very cute crazy friendly waiter outside the bar!! We miss him and his mad eyes and antics!! Think his name was something like Lotus??????
Horribel music, only guys inside but not one of them was nice and i hated the kamaki's that worked there.
there where to many guys around here..
This place was ok, although the cocktails were overpiced (6 Euros) and you'd be given a 'free' shot, which wasn't really free as most places offered 2 cocktails for 6 Euros!
Good place to sit outside at the beginning of the evening to check out the talent coming into bar street!! More room here than other bars to dance. Fairly good music, but gets really hot in there. Waiters outside are friendly.
Thank you to the all crew in Charisma, you rule!=)
we liked it very much! we danced all night in the bar!
it was ok at first but then my mates drink got spiked by 1 of ur barman. he followed her in the toilet and pinned her up against the wall. we didnt realise it then but then we put i all together. luckily someone helped her. dirty rapist. other than that we had a great time.
This was one of our favourite bars. The music is good, lots of RnB, the drinks were great too, if a little expensive but hey it is bar st and to be expected.
We were especially impressed with Theo the waiter!! Mmm nice!!
The worst service of all bars on big bar street. Avoid.
Mark was well fit!