We went to Ampavris 3 times in 2005 (and have been to kos 5 in total) and had the best holidays ever. In 2006 we went to a couple of other islands and nothing compairs to ampavris. It is the best holiday destiation ever, everything you could want in one island. The family are out of this world they take you in as one of the family and are only to happy to help with anything you want or need.The lads chris, stamati, costa, leo, are such a laugh always smiling and joking around.
The pool, rooms,complex, and bar are always clean and tidy, they take a lot of pride in ampavris apartments. we will be going back to ampavris in 3 weeks on the 2-4-07 and cant wait.
the only bad thing is that it gets harder and harder to leave each time we go and hate having to come home.