well wat can i say!!! it was the best holiday of my life.stayed at the mythos appartments which was very handy as it was only across the road from the fantastic mascot bar and that was a great place. u want to get drunk thats the place to be free shots everynight. staff are brill best lookin greeks aswell if anyone is goin say a big helloooooooooo to kristov, theo, kon and little con and a big bling bling to the dj geroge.and if you are stayin at the mythos appartments say a big hello to them aswell.on the front of the mythos appartments they have a restaurant very nice met a lass called amy only lives bout an hour away from me we eat there everynite then we headed on to the mascot bar to dance the night away and get drunk. hardy saw my parents part from round the pool during the day.
if your goin in mascot tell them sarah n amy will have the usual please!! kristov mite ask for my a**e! ask them how the power swets are goin that was a little thing we had goin with the mentos sweets thoes likes the mint ones best. well anyway got to go sat hi to everyone at mascot and mythos if you are goin its a great place u wont be disapointed.......bars 10/10 ....... friendly 10/10.........drink 10/10......overall 100/100
as i said before it was great.the lass that wrote a comment before me i met her there. she only lives about am hour away from me. we are really good mates i am even goin back with her and her parents next year to the mythos appartments they are great.hellooooooooooo george!!!!and every1 else who work there we will get you all in the pool next year not just 1 of you! we will be off back to our local the mascot bar(chicks ove it) and yes we did its fantasic lots of free drinks.anyway see u all next year mytos n mascot love ya xxx
hi to all the people who ave been mascot bar. i hear every1 met chris well! we (me n amy) met him 2day in leicester he took us 4 a drink.....hes still the same(good lookin) he not goin bk to greece till april.but dont worry hes still goin 2 be in the mascot bar wiv theo big kon n little con and big g!!! see ya next year love sarah n amy n faye x
well wat can i say the lads love you all.met chris wen he cam to leciester wiv amy. off back wiv amy this year.still in touch wiv all the lads text them now n again. love ya chris theo n kon. me n amy ave made our own t-shirts iwv u 3 on for this year. me n amy r the mascot chicks!! n we love it. get the usual reaady for wen we arrive love ya loads lads see ya 14 july loads of love sarah xxxx
just come back from mythos 3rd year running. had a fab time again. steve dont 4get to "pump it up " thanks for looking after us kostos. want to go back agin this year but dont think i can afford it. had fab time hope to see eveyone soon. love sarah xxxx
helloooooooooooooooooooooooo boys its only me again. i was texting kostas and he said you all dressed up in fancy dress last nite (2nd august) did you take any photos? if so is there any way you could get it onto this wedsite so i could have a look please. you know you want to. lots of love sarah xxxx
you will be ok for wheel chair access if you are on the ground floor in the 1 bedded appartments
hiya boys or should i say hellooooooooooooooooooooo. i can t belive a week went so fast. wish i had come back 4 2weeks. thanxx for all the great nights and the shots. thanx for makin us sing like a virgin costa next time pick a song where we know most of the words not just like a virgin!!! bull s**t!! nickos dont worry i getting u some money. if u ave any more b***hes make sure they good ones.weel guys thanxx for a fab holiday see u again next year love you all. xxx
Well. it wasnt bad. the room it self was ok the bathroom was a joke. window what window. shower if thats what u call it. as soon as 1 person had had a shower the room was covered in water all u had was a shower stand u have to use the shower head with you hands so the bathroom was wet through after 1 person had had a shower. there was nothing to claen the water up with u got no extra towels the cleaners didnt understand any english. we was on the top floor on the front it was ok apart from a bit of traffie noise early morning. as for getting an late cheak out room. you could only have that if no one was coming into your rom they didint find u another roo to go in. the showers that we had to get ready in there was no lights and only 2 showers. leavin your baggage leavin at your own risk tell me about it. they wasnt even in a secure room. but i didnt let all this spoil my 4th year in kos. i will definatly be goin back to mythos appartments not marianna.
fab beach go on the mascot beds 2euro 50. for all day. and u get a fab tan when u down the beach spent everyday there wiv the mascot boys. mite of spent the day sleeping on the beds but it was wee worth it. miss u all xxx