john boniciene is gorgoues ui tell ya, cant believ they sacked danny cos he weren't bad neither, hi to the girls in our appartment now and to caroline next door, love yas all, cant believe were back in croydon, hopefull c yas in late august if ya still there me lovelys!
its a wicked bar by the way you sholud go there some time.
thbe sleeziest wiaters ever, sorry!
we love you yanis, even if you did forget i dont like tomatoes!
Hello Bernie what sort of dodgy 'prodject' are u doing? We've got plenty of photos but there more pissed then smiley faces, we'll sort some out for ya soon. How was the reunion, any sexual harassment cases brought against u? ;)
Please forgive me Bernie, Forgot that no one likes Bernies Bar, we f***in love it! Ok email address is lizrbaker82@hotmail. Really can't wait to hear about ur project, expecting somethin groce/illegal.In case uv forgotton im very sarcastic or try to be!
Can't wait for summer (i do mean that)
Its ho bag #2 here, a.ka dirty diana. The ho bags aint happy that the credit for the shrek has been given to some 1 else I invented it MEMEMEMEME!!!!!!!!!!!
Suppose we might let you off as long as your doing them properly with the ears and everything!