just feel i should stand up for the little guy here, greg's place may not have been the biggest, flashiest, or loudest place on the island, but it was by far and away the only place to be from 16th to 23rd july 05. we took it by the scruff of the neck and gave it a thoroughly good slapping about the face. it f**kin wrecked it in short. greg and his charming wife are no oil painting tis true but there is no substitute for general legendariness, and they excelled beyond all pre-conceptions in this category, waving pints of vodka red bulls at us and forcing red vodka jellies down our throats like a mother albatross does to her young, which incidently (word of warning) turn your faeces black after twenty in one night (safe pez). to conclude my little passage of bigup, if you are true drinkers and party goers, visit gregs for cheap drinks of near pure ethanol (liquid cocaine fishbowl) as a starting point to your messy nights, where you are guaranteed a seat and a laugh................................incidently they dont care if you projectile vomit half a fishbowl over the majority of the floor space and subsequently the 'outhouse' style toilet, on your drunken meander up to bar street. now that has got to be worth a visit.
Hello my friends. i didnt frequent this bar as much as it sounds like i should have, however. I was lucky enough to spend about 3 hours sitting outside the bar on changeover day when all was quiet with an australian PR whos name escapes me. If you are reading this Sheila (sounds about right dunnit??!) then i walked around Kos for a week trying in vain to find you with a bottle of red wine and sum kisses on the neck...wink wink.
this pool is pretty kool.