i recommend r'n'b night...it's awesome!we loved this club and went there a few times.it's always busy + almost every song that came on we loved!!!! also, theres loadsa fit lads! ;)
i cant express how bad this place is!!!!!the apartment owners are w*nkers!if they have a group of roudy people i dont know what they'd do.. 1 night we were playing music on our balony, which was opposite the owners place (also my cd player was broke so it was v.quiet!) and she came out and told us to keep the noise down, which we did. then she came out again and told us to turn the music off, so we did. then we were whispering and had a few drinks with our neighbours. an older couple came along and said they'd chucked people out for hiring a fan from people other than themselves!+theyd been knocking on everyones door to turn there music off (even couples age 50+!) at 8 in the evening!when they were in the process of telling us, the owners came out and told us to pack our things and to go the following day!!!! the following day they didn't chuck us out because we had complained to the reps. on the day we were going home they came in our apartment and started to prepare for the new people coming there. they started pouring all our drinks out on the balony!i had almost a full bottle of bacardi and i managed to rescue a quarter of it! that's just some of the stuff that happened! we were 6girls staying there..obviously we wanted to have a laugh and make a reasonable ammount of noise but we were so mild compared to some people.it's not like we didn't have respect for other people..the whole apartment were on our side and were apalled by their behaviour!they told us that we weren't welcome next yr but we wouldn't want to stay in that s**t hole again anyway!!!! also the floors are so dirty you get black feet from walking around your apartment! i know greece is basic but they put a stinking camp bed for the 4th person to sleep on (the other 2 were next door) and we had 1 plate to share between 4 people! absolutely shocking! good luck to anyone staying there. i hope i haven't put you off the actual resort because kardamena is a beautiful place and we still had a great hol