Harleys - (Bars in Kardamena)


yasou guys!!!!!
cant believe our holiday is over + im sat im the council offices in york, really gona miss u lot. cheers for keeping us entertained by the pool by day + making us laugh. your bar is great, wont ever forget the rockets, songs + general madness!
hope your all ok + enjoy the rest of the season, butch-look after your hat especially the badges, jay-you better keep in touch babe, mini me- keep smiling, ur fab. hey scottish girlies, love u 2 bits. andy, dennis, + all the point 1 guys+ ny1 ive forgotten, take care, love + hugs vix x

H2O Bar - (Bars in Kardamena)


hi to funky matt + dewsbury danny.
enjoy the rest of your season, was great 2 see u2 each night we set off down bar street. keep smiling + making people drink liquid cocaine!!
take care + keep in touch, (vickic1982@yahoo.co.uk)
love vix x