Fili Hotel Apts - (Accommodation in Tingaki)

John R

Sorry, 'Good' reviews. email

Fili Hotel Apts - (Accommodation in Tingaki)

John R           

Was there early June. Thought I would wait awhile to post, just to give myself a chance to get over the holiday euphoria! It is a family place and although there is no entertainment laid on for the kids, most of them do not seem to mind. The location is just right not to far out but far enough out to be peaceful. suberb service, food and drink. The cleanest place you will find in Greece. Great pools, even one for those without kids. Even sat around the "family" pool with my young daughter and her many just made friends I could not help but relax, chill and read more paperbacks than I've read in the last two years. Break up the hectic book reading in the sun with a relaxing cool beer and a great simple Greek lunch in the shade and the day is just perfect. Head off into Tingaki for dinner or stay and eat at Fili, either way you will not be disapointed. Go and Enjoy!